
An introduction to Detritus: A trashy but functional Discord Bot Library in Typescript!

Hi! I'm Evie.Codes. You might recognize me from such discord-related things as An Idiot's Guide, Discord.js or my Evie.Codes channel. Today, we're taking a detour to go visit the world of a completely different bot library: Detritus.

You know me and you know how I love sarcasm so when I saw a library of which the name literally means "trash" or "garbage", it caught my attention. And it was made by a few people that I understand as having talent, dedication, and the competence to keep this library going.

My goal today: to make you discover Detritus and to appreciate it for what it is. Is it basically "just another javascript discord library"? Sure. But so is every other one that exists. Being the first doesn't mean you're necessarily the best. I'll let you decide that after reading this guide.

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