Enmap Installation


In order to install Enmap, you'll need a few things installed on your machine. First off, you need NodeJS (version 8 or higher required). For Windows and MacOS, simply download and install from the website. For Linux, see this page for installation.

Enmap v3 is no longer maintained on NPM and is only available on Github. You will need to install a git tool on your computer to install it.

Next, enmap has a specific pre-requisite which is needed for the sqlite dependency. How to install these depends on your operating system, so see below for instructions:

On Windows, two things are required to install enmap-sqlite. Python 2.7 and the Visual Studio C++ Build Tools. They are required for any module that is built on the system, which includes sqlite.

The Windows Built Tools require over 3GB of space to install and use. Make sure you have enough space before starting this download and install!

To install the necessary pre-requisites on Windows, the easiest is to simply run the following command, under an administrative command prompt or powershell:

npm -g --add-python-to-path install windows-build-tools node-gyp

It's very important that this be run in the administrative prompt, and not a regular one.

Once the windows-build-tools are installed (this might take quite some time, depending on your internet connection), close all open command prompts, powershell windows, and editors with a built-in console/prompt. Otherwise, the next command will not work.

Installing enmap

To install Enmap in your project, all you need to to is run the following command in your project folder:

npm i eslachance/enmap#v3

This may take a few minutes, then you're ready to use it.

Last updated