Our first task is of course to initialize the enmap correctly. In this case, we're attaching the settings to our client object so we can use it in different commands.
// start discord.js init
// config with token and prefix.
const config = require("./config.json");
// Code below supports and is tested under "stable" 11.3.x
const Discord = require("discord.js");
const client = new Discord.Client();
// end discord.js init
// Initialize the server configurations
const Enmap = require('enmap');
// I attach settings to client to allow for modular bot setups
// In this example we'll leverage fetchAll:false and autoFetch:true for
// best efficiency in memory usage. We also have to use cloneLevel:'deep'
// to avoid our values to be "reference" to the default settings.
// The explanation for why is complex - just go with it.
client.settings = new Enmap({
name: "settings",
fetchAll: false,
autoFetch: true,
cloneLevel: 'deep',
autoEnsure: {
prefix: "!",
modLogChannel: "mod-log",
modRole: "Moderator",
adminRole: "Administrator",
welcomeChannel: "welcome",
welcomeMessage: "Say hello to {{user}}, everyone!"
Events Setup
client.on("guildDelete", guild => {
// When the bot leaves or is kicked, delete settings to prevent stale entries.
client.on("guildMemberAdd", member => {
// This executes when a member joins, so let's welcome them!
// First, ensure the settings exist
client.settings.ensure(member.guild.id, defaultSettings);
// First, get the welcome message using get:
let welcomeMessage = client.settings.get(member.guild.id, "welcomeMessage");
// Our welcome message has a bit of a placeholder, let's fix that:
welcomeMessage = welcomeMessage.replace("{{user}}", member.user.tag)
// we'll send to the welcome channel.
.find(channel => channel.name === client.settings.get(member.guild.id, "welcomeChannel"))
Message Event
The main event for our bot, where messages are received. Any error here will probably crash the bot on every message received, so be careful!
client.on("message", async (message) => {
// This stops if it's not a guild (obviously), and we ignore all bots.
// Pretty standard for any bot.
if(!message.guild || message.author.bot) return;
// We get the value, and autoEnsure guarantees we have a value already.
const guildConf = client.settings.get(message.guild.id);
// Now we can use the values! We stop processing if the message does not
// start with our prefix for this guild.
if(message.content.indexOf(guildConf.prefix) !== 0) return;
//Then we use the config prefix to get our arguments and command:
const args = message.content.split(/\s+/g);
const command = args.shift().slice(guildConf.prefix.length).toLowerCase();
// Commands Go Here
Command to set configurations
// Alright. Let's make a command! This one changes the value of any key
// in the configuration.
if(command === "setconf") {
// Command is admin only, let's grab the admin value:
const adminRole = message.guild.roles.cache.find(role => role.name === guildConf.adminRole);
if(!adminRole) return message.reply("Administrator Role Not Found");
// Then we'll exit if the user is not admin
if(!message.member.roles.cache.has(adminRole.id)) {
return message.reply("You're not an admin, sorry!");
// Let's get our key and value from the arguments.
// This is array destructuring, by the way.
const [prop, ...value] = args;
// Example:
// prop: "prefix"
// value: ["+"]
// (yes it's an array, we join it further down!)
// We can check that the key exists to avoid having multiple useless,
// unused keys in the config:
if(!client.settings.has(message.guild.id, prop)) {
return message.reply("This key is not in the configuration.");
// Now we can finally change the value. Here we only have strings for values
// so we won't bother trying to make sure it's the right type and such.
client.settings.set(message.guild.id, value.join(" "), prop);
// We can confirm everything's done to the client.
message.channel.send(`Guild configuration item ${prop} has been changed to:\n\`${value.join(" ")}\``);
Command to show the configuration
if(command === "showconf") {
let configProps = Object.keys(guildConf).map(prop => {
return `${prop} : ${guildConf[prop]}`;
message.channel.send(`The following are the server's current configuration: