Understanding Conditions

Let's talk about conditions, how to use them, how to combine them, and all that jazz!

A "condition" is a way to make certain parts of your code run only when specific criteria are met. When using conditions, you're creating a new block of code that runs, or not, depending on whether the condition returns a true or false value.

Let's look at a very basic script that uses a condition.

const name = "Joe";

if( name === "Bob" ) {
  console.log("Hi Bob!");
} else {
  console.log(`Hello ${name}.`);

So here we have a condition that checks: "If the name is EXACTLY Bob, say hi to bob. Otherwise, say hi to whoever the hell this is". As a reminder, that fancy thing that says "hello, name." is a Template Literal.

Conditions are a Scope

I haven't really touched yet on "Scopes" in this page, but here's an important point about conditions: they create a new scope. What that means is that if you, for instance, define a variable inside a condition, it will not be available outside that condition:

if ( thingIsTrue ) {
  const blah = "Foo";
console.log(blah); // undefined

Keep that in mind when writing your conditions.

Conditions work with Booleans

A condition will always expect something that can be considered a Boolean value, that is to say, it evaluates to "true" or "false". It also will accept what we call "Truthy" and "Falsy" values which... Well, basically everything in JavaScript is truthy or falsy.

Here's a few examples of things that can return literal true and false:

  • Loose Equal operator: == compares two values that can be of different types but, when compared with ==, have the same value. For example, 1 == "1" returns true.

  • Strict Equal operator: === compares two values that must be of the same type. 1 === "1" is false, but 1 === 1 is true.

  • Math operators such as > , < , >= and <=.

  • Boolean return functions: a whole lot of functions will return booleans of true and false. For example, String.startsWith , Array.includes, Map.has, isNaN... You'll notice that in those documentation pages, you can see that the Return Value is defined either as true or false, or as Boolean.

As for truthy/falsy, the rule is actually pretty simple. Here is an exhaustive list of Falsy values:

  • null and undefined

  • 0 (the number 0)

  • Empty strings including "", '', empty template literals.

  • false , of course.

  • NaN ("NotANumber")

Literally every single other thing in JavaScript is considered truthy. This includes functions and arrays, positive and negative numbers, Objects and Arrays (yes, even the empty ones).

Here's a couple of examples:

if ( 1 > 3 ) // false
if ( [] ) // true
if ( parseInt("Blah") ) // false
if ( 0 ) // false
if ( "true" ) // true
if ( "false" ) // true. This isn't a boolean value it's a string!

Conditions can be Inverted

In the "Loose Equal" and "Strict Equal" operators above, I used == and === , to indicate that something should be equal. But what if I want it the other way around? How do I make something NOT equal? Well, anytime you think "not" in JavaScript, replace that with ! in your code and you'll end up with the opposite boolean. To simplify this to the extreme:

!true // this equals false
!false // this equals true

!0 // true
!"Blah" // false
!undefined // true

Conditions can be Combined

So what if you need to combine two conditions together? Of course you could do something like:

if ( thing ) {
  if ( otherThing ) {

Looks pretty ugly, doesn't it? Well, there are ways to combine these things into a single condition, by using the AND (&&) and OR (||) operators.

  • && means "BOTH must be true for the condition to return true"

  • || means "EITHER can be true for the condition to return true"

The above can thus be written simply with:

if ( thing && otherThing ) {

Combined conditions are read from left to right by default, unless you override that order with more parentheses. If you recall high school math, you might remember a little thing called the "Order of Operation", or "PEMDAS". In terms of conditions (not math), the important thign to remember is that the P is first, which means that parentheses always, always get parsed first.

Take a look at this more complex example:

if ( ( true && false ) || ( false || true ) ) {
  // this will run

So what's happening here?

  • First, ( true && false) is evaluated. It returns false because the AND operator requires both to be true.

  • Then , ( false || true ) is evaluated. It returns true because the OR operator allows either to be true.

  • So we're now left with (false || true ) which of course returns true because, read right above.

  • In the end, if(true) obviously will let the code inside the condition run.

Warning: While you might expect something like if ( thing === 'one' || 'two' || 'three' ) to work... it doesn't. Because conditions convert everything to truthy/falsy values, you end up with if( true || true || true) or if ( false || true || true) and in both cases, the condition will run. There are ways around this sort of problem, such as Array.includes(), which you'll find in Awesome Array Methods.

One last note: conditions are always read left to right, and some optimization can be gained by understanding a very cute fact: If you have a bunch of OR operators, the first true value will stop the chain completely. What I mean by this is that you should always order your conditions, if at all possible, from "most common" on the left, "less common" on the right. You should also make a check that's more CPU-intensive appear at the end of a condition chain, if you can avoid it with another condition.

Let me explain with some code:

const veryIntensiveCheck = () => true; // imagine this takes 30 seconds to run.
const simpleCheck = () => true; // imagine this takes 10ms to run.

// This condition will take 30 seconds to return a value
if ( veryIntensiveCheck() || simpleCheck() ) {
  return true;

// This condition will return almost immediately after 10ms
if ( simpleCheck() || veryIntensiveCheck() ) {
  return true;

So, to re-iterate, the second version is faster because in a combined OR chain, if ANY of the condition is true, we know the entire chain should return true, so what's the point of even checking the rest? So it doesn't!

Conditions can be Ternary

Ooooooh ternary conditions. A complicated word for such a simple and awesome concept. So in Conditions are a Scope , we saw that you can't define a variable inside a scope and use it outside. There's a way to get around this, which looks something like:

let value;

if ( thingIsTrue ) {
  value = "yay";
} else {
  value = "booh";
// value works here

But... this is ugly as hell, is it not? It also means that in some complex code where you use many different variables, you might end up with a metric crapton of variables specifically created with the purpose of holding a temporary value, and being reassigned a new value right away. This will hurt both your performance and your brain, so let's start by making this a bit simpler, using the Ternary operator. Its use is super simple:

(condition) ? trueValue : falseValue;

A ternary always returns either the true or false value, which means it can be used in many different interesting ways. First off, it can simplify the example above:

const value = thingIsTrue ? 'yay' : 'nay';

But why even have this variable in the first place? As with a lot of things that return a value, they can be used directly in many ways.

  • You can return them : return someFunction() ? 'It Worked!' : 'Failure in function';

  • You can use them in objects: { value: check(blah) ? 'blah' : 'default' , otherValue: 'meh' }

  • You can even use them in functions like Array.map! myArray.map(val => isOdd(val) ? 'odd' : 'even')

With this in mind you should have a better time writing shorter, more elegant code when dealing with simple values.

Condition Operators Overload

I'll be honest, I'm pulling this terminology out of my ass, but I haven't really seen a definitive name for this technique and those that exist are weak. It's sort of a different way to define a variable in a similar fashion to the Ternary above, but if you only have a true or false value and not the other. Let's see what I mean:

const myName = input.name || 'No Name';
const text = hasDetail(input) && `User Message: ${input.message}`;

So what's happening above, and why can we use this? It has to do with the chaining that was discussed in the Combining portion of this page. Simply put, when JavaScript sees a false value on the left operand followed by || , it continues down the chain, and will return the value on the right. If it sees a true value on the left followed by a && it will also return the value on the right.

This means that in addition to knowing that an OR condition chain will stop being evaluated on the first truthy value it finds, we also know that in any condition chain, the last value is always returned to the calling code.

There are some pretty damn nifty tricks you can do when you understand these 2 things correctly, but for the time being, I feel I've already filled your head with too much goobledygook so we'll leave it at that. Have fun conditioning your brain!

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