Understanding Modules
A module is a js file that can be called from other files and used. Most things you use in node become modules and they have to be if they're to be published on npm. Let's learn how to make them.
In this guide we'll be taking a look specifically at how to create a module for node.js starting from extremely basic one-line all the way to explaining complex implementations with multiple functionality. But don't worry, we'll keep it as simple as possible!
In this guide as all my others, I use the latest JavaScript syntax available, which can variably called ES6, ES2017, or "Node" JavaScript. For instance, I use const functionName = (arg) => {}
to create functions, which is the "fat arrow" way of doing things. I apologize if you're not used to this, check out this article for more info!
What's a module?
A "module" in node.js is a separate file (or group of files) containing "things" that we can use in another file. Modules can contain functions, variables, classes, basically anything that node.js code can contain. So you might ask, why use a module at all if I can just write all my code in a single file? It's about two things: readability, and portability.
First let's address readability: a complex program, even written in node.js, can be thousands of lines of code. Having 6000 lines in a single file is not only difficult to read, it's also difficult to figure out what does what. Furthermore, there are technical problems with a single file code: some parts of the code can affect others, like overwriting variables on a higher scope, changing methods, etc. It's what is called "side-effects". On a separate module, the module can only really affect itself unless you give it something to change.
The second issue is portability. Programmers don't generally re-write everything from the ground up every time we start up a new project, right? We re-use parts of our code throughout various applications, and sometimes even update that code in multiple applications at once when we find an issue with it. By creating a module, this makes it easier: if you have a module file you plop in and require in multiple projects, just overwrite that file and boom, you're done!
There's also the idea of distributing modules. However, this is beyond the scope of this guide. If you're interested, check out Publishing NPM Packages on npmjs.org.
Our First Module
Ok so, let's start with the super basic, and yet not very useful, module that returns a static string. For a moment imagine you have a folder called myTest
and in this folder, you have 2 files: index.js
and myModule.js
Running node index.js
in this folder would produce the following console output:
Let's explain exactly why, and how a module "replaces" regular code. You could write the exact same code in a single file as such:
The difference with the module, is simply that it's placed in a separate file. Ok so, like. Yeah, that's a module. It's as simple as that! But of course, there's more to learn here, so let's push on to the next step.
A function in a module
Obviously, having a module return a static string isn't super useful. So, most likely we want to have some sort of functionality attached to this module. Let's continue on the simple path, and make a module that creates a "welcome message". I'm sure you remember doing this stuff while learning javascript, right? Here's a function you might have seen, or even written, before:
Let's take this simple hello module containing that function instead, just to see how that works out.
As you can see, there really isn't that much to it. Creating a module with a single function or a single return is that simple. Let's continue exploring a bit more, though!
Module Scoping
Ok so, one thing that's really cool about modules is that you can use other modules in them. I'm going to go a little too far into code complexity right now by creating a simple module that gets a random cat image from an online API that's literally called "Random Cat". Bear with me for a second:
Ok so, what am I doing here? First off, I'm requiring snekfetch
, a simple, fast library that does HTTP queries. Then I'm using this library inside my module to go "fetch" a single image file from the random cat API and return it. Why is this useful? Well simply put, it means that if this is the only file where I'm using snekfetch, it's the only place where I call it. If we were dealing with a complex application, it would be hard to see where each module is used in the code because you'd have all those require() lines at the top of one file. In separate modules, you know exactly what module uses what library.
Another thing you might notice is that the line that requires snekfetch is outside of the actual module exports, but... why? Well, here's the thing: When you require a module, the whole file is "parsed" once (in other words, it's executed). Anything you define in that file is still defined as usual except that it's only available in that module. So, snekfetch is only available from the randomcat.js
file and you can't call it from outside. As far as randomcat.js
is concerned, it's providing a single function that returns a file, and that's it.
So if you define strings, objects, arrays, or whatever else outside of your module and they'll be "private" to that module! It makes it a self-contained entity that can only interact and be interacted with using specific methods you define yourself.
Multiple Returns
Now that we've seen modules in their simplest forms, we're ready to thrown in another requirement into the mix: we want to be able to add more than one thing to this module. Say we want a "utility" module that has a couple functions we like to use in a lot of our applications. Let's make that!
So now we have a utils.js
module with 3 different useful functions that we use all over the place every day. How do we call it? Almost the same as we did before, except we can use its named methods!
More Scopes
Let's return for a moment to "scoping" in modules. One thing that you might want to consider doing with modules is to have "properties" that can be changed by the module and accessed externally. What do I mean by that? Let's make a super simple ToDo module to demonstrate. Instead of blabbering on in paragraphs after, I'll use comments in the code to convey what's happening.
With this we have a module with a public property called todoList
that can actually be modified externally, as well as 4 public methods to modify that list a little easily. Let's see how to use it.
If you only wanted this kind of module, you are now done with this guide. You can skip the final parts if you're not interested in classes, instances, or different syntaxes. You have enough to be functional!
Alternate Syntax
Let's just take a quick look at a different way to make a module, using a different syntax. This can be used to make, let's say, "Private" properties and methods, to avoid the issue above with adding to the ToDo list from outside. I feel like this is relatively self-explanatory at this point. If it's not, either you haven't been following well or I need to review my teaching methodology!
Modules as Classes
One last thing before we go, classes. An advantage of adding a class to a module is that it can be re-used so much more easily, even if that class relies on external libraries or specific internal private code and methods. Let's go back to the basics with the example of a class ripped straight off MDN.
You can stick this in any file and you can create a new rectangle using const myRect = new Rectangle(10, 5)
, sure. But then you might be worries about re-usability and conflicts with other code, right? So let's make it a module using what we've learned before.
With this idea we can now require modules and libraries only from a class file and make this code so much prettier.
You can also easily extend classes this way, just as easily.
Notes and Addendums
Path Relativity
uses a path relative to your project root. This means, in all the above examples we assume that you are in the root folder and all the files are there. If you're in ./index.js
and you call ./rectangle.js
it's from the root folder. If you had a folder called shapes
and you put the classes in it, you could call require("./shapes/rectangle.js")
. However, what's less known is that if you had a file in another subfolder, say, src
, from ./src/myapp.js
you would still call it using ./shapes/rectangle.js
because that's where it is relative to the root folder. This is contrary to the fs module in which the path is relative to the current file.
You can also require files from other projects by going up folders. So if I have project1
and project2
in my development folder, from Project2
I can easily do require("../project1/somefile.js");
. While this is useful in development, it is also very critical to remember if ever you make anything where you require things dynamically.
Publishing Modules/Libraries
I've touched upon publishing in my introduction. Publishing modules is done on NPM (though the node community wants to enable requires from an HTTP page, that's not doable yet), and anyone can publish a module, if the name is unique. To "install" a published library you just need to use npm. For example, in the random cat example I use snekfetch, which needs to be installed using npm install snekfetch
. An installed library doesn't use a "path" or a .js extension so it's require("snekfetch")
instead of, say, require("./snekfetch.js")
But what if you've made a cool little library like utils
above and you want everyone to be able to use it just like snekfetch? Then you can do that on NPM! Won't cost you a dime, and it will mean you, or anyone else, can install it as you want.
But, this is a JavaScript and Node guide, and people have expalined it much better than I have! Please see this guide on npmjs.com! It should help you out in publishing ;)
Last updated